Friday, December 25, 2015

Another Christmas Day

Today is December 25, 2015. If you are reading these words, congratulations! Another Christmas Day has been granted to you.

Merry Christmas!

No matter your religious belief, this is the time of year to be near those you love. To express gratitude for having them in your life. Too many families have been ripped apart by jealousy, suspicion, anger, and resentment. While those jealous, angry, resentful words spoken cannot be erased, they can be rectified. For, as long as both parties breathe, words can be used to heal, just as they can to hurt.

One day, you will wake up, and the people you love will be gone. Whether the passing was a hard fought blessing, or a sudden punch in the gut, the fact will be they’re no longer there to laugh with you, hold your hand, or hear your words.

So, reach out. Connect. Apologize. Forgive. Don’t be stingy. Share your love.

Remember, Christmas is a celebration of life. Make the most of this opportunity. Laugh, love, dine, sing and dance. Today. Now. For there is no promise for tomorrow.

Make merry this Christmas. And I pray you hold onto that merriment throughout the New Year.

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